Creating an HTPC Stack With Docker Things, Part 2

This is a continuation of my previous post: Create an HTPC Stack With Docker Things. I will introduce docker-compose to bring up an environment with both containers used previously, sabnzbd and sickbeard.

I installed docker-compose using the instructions found here: Install Compose. I am using Mac OS X.

First make sure boot2docker is running, boot2docker up. Then create the following file named docker-compose.yml.

  image: maxexcloo/sickbeard 
   - "8081:8081"
   - "sickbeard"
  image: maxexcloo/sabnzbd
   - "8080:8080"
   - "sabnzbd"

This is setting up the environment with two images, exposing the ports the application will run on and naming the image to something meaningful. each directive in the yml file map to the same docker run command.

Once this file has been created, simply run docker-compose up, and the images will be started.


  • create a github repo for application configs.
  • map a local directory for configs.
  • add the local config directory to the yml.
  • more things…