Installing RiaServices on a Server

Visual Studio and the Silverlight SDK are two dependancies that are needed for the installation of RiaServices. If you are dep[loying this package to a server with IIS7.5, these dependancies do not need to be installed. To install RiaServices.msi on the server, use the following command:


msiexec /i RiaServices.msi SERVER=TRUE

Inserting client-ip into IIS Logs

Since the IIS instances are behind load balancers, the load balancer IP is inserted as the client-ip. To work around this, an IIS module is needed that replaces the client-ip value with the correct value. This is acomplished with two changes. First, the ACE must inject a speacial header value. In this case the header value is X-Client-IP. Second, the arr_helper module has to be installed and configured to replace the client-ip value with the correct value.

The module can be found here:

The module is installed in:


The configuration is located in:



This is a ruby script that can download a web page. Source here:



apt-get install ruby rubygems

gem update

apt-get install ruby1.8-dev

gem install hpricot

apt-get install libopenssl-ruby


Nagios Check Command:

define command{
        command_name    check-webpage
        command_line    $USER1$/check_webpage.rb -u $HOSTADDRESS$$ARG1$

Uptime and SLA Breakdown

If it’s up…​ A.K.A​ It’s down for…per year​
90%​ n/a​ 876 hours​
95%​ n/a​ 438 hours​
99%​ two 9’s​ 87 hours, 36 minutes​
99.9%​ three 9’s​ 8 hours, 45 minutes​
99.99%​ four 9’s​ 52 minutes, 33.6 seconds​
99.999%​ five 9’s​ 5 minutes, 15.36 seconds​
99.9999%​ six 9’s​ 31.68 seconds