I recently found out about this:
an interesting program to visually display apache traffic in real time.
It reminds me of glTail:
another cool “toy”.
Figuring things out, to get it done!
I recently found out about this:
an interesting program to visually display apache traffic in real time.
It reminds me of glTail:
another cool “toy”.
The apache web server is included with Solaris 10. Follow these steps to enable it.
Step 1: Create a working default apache config file
The apache server config files are in /etc/apache2. To quickly get up and running, you can just use the sample config file by doing the following:
cd /etc/apache2 cp httpd.conf-example httpd.conf
Step 2: Enable the apache/httpd service
Check to see if apache is already running:
svcs -a | grep -i http
You will probably see the following, indicating that apache is NOT running: disabled Apr_20 svc:/network/http:apache2
Use the svcadm command to start the webserver. This will also make it automatically start if your machine reboots. svcadm -v enable /network/http:apache2
Use the following svcs command to make sure it worked: svcs -p /network/http:apache2 STATE STIME FMRI online 15:32:44 svc:/network/http:apache2
15:32:44 28711 httpd 15:32:45 28712 httpd 15:32:45 28713 httpd 15:32:45 28714 httpd 15:32:45 28715 httpd 15:32:45 28716 httpd
This is showing that the webserver is online and working.
Step 3: Add your web content
Put your html (IE: index.html) in the /var/apache2/htdocs directory. If everything went OK, you should have a functioning apache webserver.
Debugging / Troubleshooting
If the svcs -p command from the above step doesn’t show a STATE of online, do the followig: svcs -a | grep -i http
You’ll probably see that it’s in maintenance mode: maintenance 15:16:12 svc:/network/http:apache2
For more detailed info run: svcs -l http
OR svcs -x http svc:/network/http:apache2 (Apache 2 HTTP server)
State: maintenance since May 8, 2007 3:16:12 PM EDT
Reason: Start method failed repeatedly, last exited with status 1.
See: http://sun.com/msg/SMF-8000-KS See: httpd(8) See: /var/svc/log/network-http:apache2.log
Impact: This service is not running.
Note that the second to last line tells you where the log file is, so take a look at that. Once you’ve fixed the problem, you can restart apache with: svcadm restart /network/http:apache2
If for some reason you want to shut off apache, use this: svcadm disable /network/http:apache2
svcs -p /network/http:apache2 STATE STIME FMRI disabled 15:36:33 svc:/network/http:apache2
svcs -l http fmri svc:/network/http:apache2 name Apache 2 HTTP server enabled false state disabled next_state none state_time May 8, 2007 3:36:33 PM EDT logfile /var/svc/log/network-http:apache2.log restarter svc:/system/svc/restarter:default contract_id dependency require_all/error svc:/milestone/network:default (online) dependency require_all/none svc:/system/filesystem/local:default (online) dependency optional_all/error svc:/system/filesystem/autofs:default (online)
First, we need to make sure the DESTSERVER has the ability to use key authentication enabled. Find your sshd configuration file (usually ‘/etc/ssh/sshd_config’) and enable the following options if they are not already set.
RSAAuthentication yes PubkeyAuthentication yes AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys
If you edit the file be sure to restart sshd afterwards.
# /etc/init.d/sshd restart
Next, on the SOURCESERVER we will create the public / private key pair to be used for authentication with the following command.
# ssh-keygen -t rsa
This should create 2 files, a public key file and a private key file. The public key file (usually [homedir]/.ssh/id_rsa.pub) we will upload to the DESTSERVER. The private key file (usually [homedir]/.ssh/id_rsa) we will keep on the SOURCESERVER.
Now we will plant the public key we created on to the DESTSERVER. Choose the user account which you will use to connect to on DESTSERVER, we’ll call this user ‘destuser’ for now.
In that account’s home directory, create a ‘.ssh’ subdirectory, and in that directory create a new text file called ‘authorized_keys’. If it already exists, great, use the existing file. Open the ‘authorized_keys’ file and paste in the contents of the public key you created in the previous step (id_rsa.pub). It should look something like the following
ssh-rsa <lots and lots of characters…> sourceuser@SOURCESERVER
Save the file and change the permissions to 600 for the file and 700 for the ‘.ssh’ directory.
Now to test that the keys are working. From the SOURCESERVER try logging in as normal using ssh to the DESTSERVER.
# ssh destuser@DESTSERVER
If all is working you should not be prompted for a password but instead connected directly to a shell on the DESTSERVER.
Now for the rsync script.
#!/bin/sh SOURCEPATH=’/var/svn/workingcopies/beta.app.jp/’ DESTPATH=’/var/www/lamp_root/wwwapps/app.jp’ DESTUSER=’updater’ LOGFILE=’/var/log/rsync_beta.log’ echo $’\n\n’ >> $LOGFILE for SERVER in web01 web02 do rsync -av –rsh=ssh $SOURCEPATH $DESTUSER@$SERVER:$DESTPATH 2>&1 >> $LOGFILE echo “Completed at: `/bin/date`” >> $LOGFILE done
This is optional. I assume web updates will be done manually.
Assuming everything has worked so far all that’s left is to setup a cron job to run the script automatically at a predefined interval.
Use the ‘crontab’ command to create a new cron job.
>sudo crontab -e -u updater
This will open an editor where you can schedule the job.
Enter the following to have the script run once every hour
0 * * * * /var/scripts/rsync_betajp.sh
Here are two useful vi commands:
globally find and replace ^M characters with nothing
globally delete blank lines
This script will rebuild some of the indexes and tables within Magento. I find it useful if the GUI times out when performing cache management.
rebuild(); /* rebuild catalog index */ Mage::getSingleton('catalog/index')->rebuild(); /* rebuild search */ Mage::getSingleton( 'catalogsearch/fulltext' )->rebuildIndex(); /* rebuild flat category */ Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/category_flat')->rebuild(); /* rebuild flat catalog product */ Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_flat_indexer')->rebuild(); /* apply catalog rules */ Mage::getResourceSingleton('catalogrule/rule')->applyAllRulesForDateRange(); $t_end = microtime(true); $diff = $t_end - $t_start; echo "Refresh Complete in $diff seconds"; ?>
This is an interesting survey done by the folks at PuppetLabs:
Interesting to see that coding/scripting is desired over skillsets in specific tools.
I came across this nice online utility today for generating my.cnf. I would probably be wary of using it to generate a config file for a server that is already being used. New installations only!
You will need an account to see the result.
Here is an interesting article on the flaws of OAuth:
I came across Funtoo Linux today while on the Zenoss site. Interesting…..
I think I might try Zenoss again. It has been a year or two since I last visited this product. I am looking for a product that is all encompassing. I will probably use CentoOS as the OS.